How To Break Through Your 6-Figure Ceiling

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Hitting the 6-figure ceiling in your business and not being able to get to the next level isn't always a consequence of outdated branding, a website that's begging for an update, algorithm changes, pipelines, strategy glitches or a week link in your team. 

 So, what IS missing?

Since a few months I have been interviewing successful business coaches as part of my investigation for common struggles and the core causes of trending patterns that I'm observing.

What are these trends?

1. Many coaches and mentors complain that their clients are slowing down a few months into their coaching/mentoring and not using the full advantages of their transformational content. Even when they invested $25.000. (Let me know if you share this experience.)

2. The majority of women entrepreneurs who get to the 6-mark in their business, are plateauing around that magic number, getting frustrated (and bored) over it but not aware of what really makes them hit the ceiling. 

3. I see how successful women entrepreneurs turn into a serial coach/mentor hopper to fill up the gap between aimed revenue and not achieved goals, without generating the desired results.

But here's what is being revealed in the conversations I'm having with influencers. The experts in those different categories all struggle with the same challenge: they just give it different names to cover up...

✗ Shame of not being as successful as they want to be

✗ Shame to have lost the drive or balancing on the edge of coaching fatigue

✗ Shame of having to admit that they feel exhausted while leading a successful company

After all: you're a professional and are prepared to do about anything to come across as such. Pushing yourself into burnout included. I've been there. I know how it works!

So maybe you too have been looking for external causes of what makes you successful to only a certain level: economical instability, the threat of a nuclear war, a saturated market... 

You have been turning to the next mentor who has to resolve the issue, the next accountability partner, the next high-end mastermind group to revamp your sluggish idea-generator. 

You're burning through your brain calories without getting anywhere. 

But be honest; there has never been a better time to run a successful business as a female founder than right now. There have never been better and more accessible opportunities for ambitious women than in this era. Women are taking over the entrepreneurial market, leadership positions AND leaving impactful examples for younger generations, creating legacies. You can stop blaming the world. 

The cause is within you.

Excelling your impact with groups of high-end clients, attracting dynamic clients who can't wait to work with you, offering your high-ticket solutions is connected to how you FEEL and bring that to your desk every day. 

⤞ You're probably not losing business because you don't have a solid plan (you already proved that you can achieve ambitious goals), but because...

you miss the high-end energy to execute the plan consistently!


✗ You fail to respect the changes in your body's algorithm (Stress, hormones, lousy digestion)

✗ You fail to rethink your priorities with that life-essential information

✗ You fail to jump on the right solutions that will enable you to keep up with the size and speed of your big vision

✗ You fail to optimize your body's ecology for healthy economy, excelled action and leadership

✗ You fail to strategize and plan for your wellbeing

I know, it sounds harsh but I'm not apologizing for my tough love because you need to hear this. 

Now, the good news! It's absolutely not your fault!

It's a missing link in our education, in what's being taught and preached. And it makes me crunch my teeth because I know that the lack of knowledge regarding this subject makes you miss out on the knowledge to break through your ceiling on a whole different level. 

So if you're ready to remove your limitation but aren't sure what that limitation is, here's what I want you to do right now: schedule a 30 minute conversation with me here and get clarity about what the solution is for your situation. 

If you're still on the fence, let me turn the right of speaking over to the lovely Hyacinth Jones, who had an epiphany with me last week.