How Experts Can Make Healthy Choices On The Road


So, you booked your ticket and set your mind on staying raw during traveling. Wonderful! But now what? How can you support yourself in a way you won’t be stressed out by your decision once you are on the airplane? What can you take in your hand luggage? 

Being prepared is the key to your success while traveling. When you are driving by car you can take a big cool box filled to the top with inspiring raw foods. But when you are flying, you first need to find out what is allowed on that particular flight. 

Always bear in mind that fluids in your hand luggage are limited. When you are flying international, make a dressing mixed with some coconut oil and mix it under your salad; it will get firm but give your salad a lovely taste and chances are higher that you are allowed to bring it on the airplane. Or put your dressing inside of a green wrap.

Some flight companies do offer raw food meals when you are traveling first class. Always worth checking out and reserving this option when you are booking your ticket!



Before I get into details about what food you can take, let me tell you that the best way to avoid jet lag from long travels is fasting on water. We all have a natural clock in the brain which is responding to light and darkness, telling us when to sleep, when to wake up and eat. You could say that for each time zone you cross, you need one day to sync with your new local rhythm. Not very convenient when you need to be alert the next day in a conference or when you are on a short vacation and would like to start enjoying every moment from day one. 

But here is the good news: you can activate a second clock that adjusts your brain to a new time zone by leaving out all food. All you need to do is fast for 16 hours on pure water to manipulate your feeding clock. Practically this means: 

  • Don’t eat the 2 or 3 hours at the airport before departure but drink spring water (walk away from scents!)
  • Don’t accept meals and only drink plenty of spring water during the flight 
  • Adjust your first meal at your destination to the local time to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner
  • If needed, subtract the remaining time  to define your last meal before leaving home
  • Keep your first meal light, without too many fats so your adjustment to local time doesn’t delay (fruit for ex.)



If you think you can’t hold on to a water fast, take a light meal with you. The lighter and greener you eat, the better you will feel when you get off the plane. Some suggestions that work well for international destinations… 


  • Kelp noodles with a dressing and a salad 
  • Nori rolls and a salad
  • Some sandwiches made of sprouted raw bread, greens and vegetables
  • Fruits or a fruit salad (without any juice or it may be confiscated by customs)
  • Crackers with a salad mixed with a dressing (if taking dehydrated food, drink more water)
  • Green wraps filled with vegetables mixed with a little bit of dressing
  • Mono meals (one kind of fruit all day)
  • Some nuts or dates as a snack are an option for a healthy snack (try to keep fats as low as possible though)


Adding raw sauerkraut to your salads will help you to digest your food easier!

No matter what your choice is, drinking enough water during flying is very important. Hydration helps you to keep the consequences of a jet lag within limits. 

By staying raw on the plane or during traveling, your tone is set for the rest of your trip. It will be so much easier for you to continue your pure path abroad. 

Do you travel regularly as a speaker, author, musician, entrepreneur? Book your FREE Makeover Taster Session with me. In 45 minutes we will dive into your habits while traveling. You will walk away with: 

  1. The most essential insights about how you are draining your energy during traveling
  2. How you can overcome or at least minimise your jetlag easily
  3. What new habit you can start implementing to keep your energy going